Good-bye~ Final Fantasy!
I have finally quitted Final Fantasy 11 the massive online rpg game yesterday! I "killed" Yva with my own fingers on 21st of Nov 2004, at 11:50pm. It's so sad.. :..(
Have been playing this game for the nearly 1 year! Given me lots of memories. And also I known a couple of friends online. And because most of us are quitting this game.. that includes Junhua, Pei pei, Monica and me. The linkshell or guild we have formed in the game is going down! This really proves that we are the crucial people of the linkshell ;)
So we decided to meet up with the online people for a real life gathering! ^^ Really wondering how do they look like, some of them are bringing their wife and children to to gathering. I guess it is going to be interesting. Hahaha and pei pei somemore suggest monica to grab one of the eligible bachelor during the gathering ^^
Well from what I heard from that eligible bachelor's close friend, he told me that Arakon(ya he is the eligible bachelor) and him were studying in the same poly, and he got into the top 5% so he was of course going into NUS, then after he graduated, his results were so good that some company actually employed him without hesitant.
Arakon's friend also told me the company arakon worked in is very very prestigious and he will have lots of prospects working in it.
Best thing is he is still single! HAHAHAHA!!! So Monica will have chance already!!! Or Jean also la :P
Arakon's 2 other best friends, Craban and Baa are both married with kids. Yes these 3 names are just game names! So on the day of gathering, we will all finally get to know each other real name!
Quite looking forward to the gathering! ^^
Anyway I need to say a final good bye! ; ;
Good-bye~ Final Fantasy! I will always miss you.
(ps: I am just a loser! quit job quit game too....)
i recommend u a job! why didn't u reply? huh huh huh? go work la! working with val is a fun thing! hahaha!
After hearing all the things like fussy customer and recutting and reprinting the artworks of the students, I have a phobia...
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