*Star Sapphire*~ Yva Yolan & Ydmzihar

Yva Yolan & Adam Zear (Ydmzihar) ~A Match Made in Heaven~

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Our Life like The Fellowship...

Just pondering today while I am working... I thought of our lives... My circle of friends include Agwenalist, Helen, Zen and Valerie. We are all struggling for our career lives. Wondering what to do.

It's just like The Fellowship from Lord of The Ring... Just that we don't have a ring to destroy or is there a need to save the world. Our dilemma, fears and doubts of our future are just as bad as what Frodo and co. are facing in the book and movies.

With our hearts together my friends, I believe we can battle these difficult times together!



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