*Star Sapphire*~ Yva Yolan & Ydmzihar

Yva Yolan & Adam Zear (Ydmzihar) ~A Match Made in Heaven~

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Being the Outcast

Yes, I think I'm officially the outcast in my department!

I don't know whether am I over reacting or what... but... JS the leader of our department, usually if he has some photoshop techniques or anything interesting to share, he will ask me to join in the meeting. Sometimes he would come over to my table to ask how is my progress of my work. Now that the intern is here, it seems that he always ask him and MC to go over to his place to share interesting stuff. And also he will frequently go over to their table to talk to them. I wonder did I do anything wrong towards him?
But it seems like he never even talk to me at all now... Sometimes I think JS can be quite biased. =(

First, it was JD who got outcasted. Now it is me... Sigh.. I guess I just got to grind and bear with it.. Just do my job at my silent corner...

Sometimes I think MC just wants me and IR to stay fat forever. She keeps telling us that we aren't fat at all but she keep saying she is fat herself... She is actually very slim herself. So what is the meaning of that? Sigh I dont' know... This world is mad... Haha.. Sometimes I just think that working is not suitable for me. First I am not PR so therefore I will not be able to climb up the corporate ladder or whatsoever. I quite despise those who are very PR and can talk their way into the boss liking them.

Unfortunately, JS our leader is such kind... Yes now then I realise. I think that those who have no use or talent or potential (like me and JD) to him, he won't care less about those people. Those who have talent and potential like MC and intern, he will keep talking to them. And now that the busy executive producer is back, he keeps talking to her... It's not that JS has no talent and don't know how to work. But he believes that being PR is important in climbing up the ladder. Well is it true that you need to be PR to be able to climb up? I don't know. If the answer is yes, then I have no chance of earning alot of money then. As I am not PR at all... I don't know how to be PR and don't want to be one. How can I be that someone I hate?

And I distance myself from JS also now... since he don't talk to me.. I don't want to talk to him too... and I don't want to be with this kind of person.

Now I can only pray that Ram was right... that my career will pick up soon. Yes I know I must work hard and not believe in whatever Ram said. But what if I work hard and got back stabbed just because I am simply not PR enough?

My wisdom tooth is killing me man... Maybe I will extract the teeth out just to get 3 days MC so I won't need to go back to the company to face sickening people... But have got to save first haha =p

A conversation that I had with the intern that proves even more that he is an arrogant moron cum spoilt brat!:

(we were talking about computers and his freaking SGD4,000-5,000 cost provided by his parents trip to New York for Siggraph.)

Me: Are you excited about the trip to Siggraph?
Intern: Of course!
MC: Yes someone needed 4,000 to 5,000 in order to go to Siggraph lo!
Me: Wow... You are rich!
MC: Yes! He is and his dream computer machine cost around 6,000!
Intern: Of course must invest alot of money in my computer! Because I used it for work and assignments! You mustn't always think of the figures but think of the investment and experience just like my trip to Siggraph! Instead of saying "Woaaaaah you are so rich you are so rich" like I am a spoilt brat, you must think!!! Think!
Me: Do we give you the impression that you are a spoilt brat when we say you are rich?
Intern: (confidently) YES!
Me: Actually we don't mean that way you know, but frankly speaking you are really rich! I mean yes it's great to invest your money in a good computer.. But the Siggraph trip, not everyone can afford to go as and when they like you know.
Intern: Of course there are poor people and rich people. If you go to Thailand, you will also be rich!!
MC: And he wanted to change his Moto Razzr! He just buy his handphone not long only.
Me: why do u want to change it?
Intern: Well, I can't really hear the receiving line, I don't know why. It sucks!

End of conversation

See this stupid intern is so arrogant! He thinks everyone is so rich like him ah? Can afford 6k computer? Can afford to go to New York just for the stupid Siggraph? Of course he can say don't think of the figures but the experience as the money is not earn by him ma but by his parents! Isn't he spoilt enough? And the handphone also, he somemore got the cheek to say he isn't spoilt... Just because he can't hear anything from the other receiving end, he wanted to change handphone! That's just a lame excuse. I don't believe he can't hear EVERYTIME! I find that using the lame reason of "if you go to Thailand you will be rich and of course there are rich people and poor people" doesn't justify him spending money so freely ba? If that is the case why don't he help the poor? What the fuck!? I despise such people!!

And I really do mean that he isn't a spoilt brat when I say he is so rich. But now I doubt it.. I can confirm he is one... Maybe because of that, he thinks he is far more superior than us therefore he don't hang around with the common people.


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