*Star Sapphire*~ Yva Yolan & Ydmzihar

Yva Yolan & Adam Zear (Ydmzihar) ~A Match Made in Heaven~

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Let Your Dreams Be Free!

Let Your Dreams Be Free!
Yes that's the title of this blog! It's the title of the project that Gwen was doing. The one where we need to paint the backdrop of Mr Moo!
Gwen needed our help to shoot the film, she engaged Cheryl, me and Zen to help. Too bad Deb wasn't free on 2nd of July, Sunday to help out. Because it was real fun ma! Hahaha XD I told Jay that I was going to help out so I couldn't spend time with him so he volunteered to come help the rest of the team! I was quite surprised that he wanted to help! But I was happy that he took such initiative! =D Also we were very very shorthanded so another person would be a great help!

We were supposed to shoot the film at Punggol Beach. In the end, the weather was really really hot so our director Gwen picked a nicer and more cooling place just for us! ^^ It was quite near the beach and there are some interesting trees over there... Actually I thought the place was quite nice... Especially where we shoot Cheryl was sleeping. =) Oh yeay.. there was a tree nearby with red string tied onto it... Hmm.. Don't know what it meant but it wasn't good la... Hehehe ^^""

Gwen, Zen and Cheryl reached the place first while me and Jay went to Compass Point to buy some food. We all went there by cab! I know, I'm so sua ku! Live here for quite a long time yet don't know how to get to Punggol Beach by bus 82 XD
When we reached the place, we saw the 3 girls sitting at the bus stop, before I reached, I called the girls to find out where was their location and they told me they were eating fried rice... at the bus stop? O_o So how come they were just sitting there but not eating, turn out they had finished eating the fried rice while sitting at the bus stop without any table at all! O.O The beach was quite pathetic with no tables or whatsoever... quite sad la hahaha...

Anyway we bought the food and gave them their share, it was so funny! Like some picnic at the bus stop, it was quite stupid too la! Hahaha! As if we own the bus stop like that. Cos the whole stretch of seat was being occupied by our food and our bags lo! XD Then we saw an ang mo bringing his huge dog for a walk at the beach! Zen said the dog was some champion breed!

After finishing our lunch, we went on shooting the film. Before we started, some civil defense car drove and stopped at our area, we were afraid that they won't allow us to shoot at that area but luckily they were just skiving and smoking. Everything went quite well I think.. Except till the scene where the backdrop was needed. No one was there to hold the back drop. Because by right, Zen job was suppose to be the assitant director who shouts "Everyone on the set ready?" or "Action!" or she would hold the sign that states what scenes etc etc. While Jay's job was to take down comments on each scenes and takes. In the end they both had to hold the backdrop and Gwen have to hold the sign.

Then poor Gwen had to find the right angle of the backdrop to shoot as she wanted to avoid shooting the very corners of the backdrop where all the stick and hands of the people holding it could be seen. Both me and Cheryl had the easiest job. We just dance, jump, run, kicked the sand! Hahaha :D

When the last shot was being filmed, and Gwen announced it's a wrap! We were all so happy!!! Hurray!! Good effort everyone!! We packed up everything including the disgusting bag of apple pie and fries filled with ants. We thanks Mr Moo for doing such a great job but we forgotten to thank the trees! =((

Then on we went to Compass Point's Swensen to have a drink! We were very very thirsty! The girls all had Thousand Island Float (rootbeer with ice-cream) except for Jay. Jay had a Mega Burger whereby the beef patties was so juicy!!! It tasted heavenly!! The 4 of us shared the Curry Chicken Baked Rice... TASTED WONDERFUL!!!

Gwen! Next time I want to help you with Da Cao Yuan film ok! Hahaha! =p


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