*Star Sapphire*~ Yva Yolan & Ydmzihar

Yva Yolan & Adam Zear (Ydmzihar) ~A Match Made in Heaven~

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Creation of Mr Moo

On the 25th of June...

I went over to Gwen's house to paint her backdrop for her upcoming project for this sport label(better not disclose anything here...). Was very excited about it! Hee hee! And also upon seeing that Gwen needed help therefore I went over to help! Besides, it was going to be so fun! Deborah went over to help too!

Before we started painting, we ate our dinner! After dinner then have energy to paint right? Well the dinner was provided by Gwen's mama! The food is really nice! And Gwen's mama could cook very very fast! She cooked alot of small fishes(dunno what breed are those), she fried some battered prawns and also she did one dish of vegetables(I don't know what breed of vegetables again. But I think it's "kan kong"). Then eat with rice, it's really nice! I loved the battered prawns the most!! "Kan Kong" was nice too! But because I had a late lunch which is chesseburger meal, I couldn't stomach alot of her cooking. Quite a waste man! =( Deborah definitely loved the fish! Hee hee =D Oh Gwen's papa also very funny! He address me as No.23 cos I'm wearing the No. 23 jersey! =P

Ok I must go on and on to the extend of a paragraph when it comes to food ya? Sorry :P

After dinner it was the real action time! Deborah painted most of the backdrop - the sky and the grass... those were the difficult parts plus we had limited paints, so we had to be very careful not to make any mistakes. If we did then it would be a done deal! Gwen and me painted Mr Moo(that's what Gwen prefers to call him) , the flowers on the grass and the big flower on the left of the backdrop!

After 3 hours of sweating and hard work, here is the final product:

Isn't it sweet? ^^ I was very happy with the final outlook and I keep saying "Wow very nice very nice"... But I not thick skinned then say one ok! Hee hee! It's really very nice ma! =p
And it's the hard work effort of 3 girls who are passionate about painting! (*pukes all over*) ;p But seriously we love our masterpiece! :)
When we were doing the last 30 mins of our painting, I kept hearing a very noble yet military music coming out from the TV in Gwen's house. Then I kept running towards the TV to see what was going on! Gwen's papa was actually watching Daylight on dunno what cable channel! Hahaha! XD The music was really really drama! Then I told Gwen and Deb that we were like completing some mission like that with the music playing behind the background!

After painting, we were sitting aside, admiring at our masterpiece. Then I saw Gwen was like walking around and asking his father for candles. His father actually wanted to give her those candles used to put on the altars to pray to the God. O_O
So I thought maybe she wanted to put some candles beside the backdrop then took some photos. You know, to create some lighting. I was quite puzzled, like did she need to go to that extend? Then I saw at the corner of my eye, that Gwen was in the kitchen taking out a seemingly white cake box, putting it on the kitchen table. It dawn on me that it was a birthday cake! As the next day was my birthday, Gwen & Deb actually bought this cake for me! ^^
It was a mango mousse plus a-little-bit-of-sponge cake!!! The cake was quite artistic looking! I was very happy, touched and surprised! The cake was simply YUMMY! I love any cake with mousse in it!! Thanks Gwen and Deb for being so thoughtful! I love you too!!!

After that, everything ended with Deb sending me to Dobhy Ghaut MRT! I felt quite bad because the next day was Deb's first day at her new workplace. But the motorbike ride was really nice! ^^ Love the wind blowing on my face!! Whoo hoo~

ps: Ok... I know that my blog is long overdue! So sorry ah my friends! Hahaha XD Cos I really have nothing to blog ma! And the battle is still on! Yes many deaths!!! XD Btw, I didn't watch part 2 of the battle!!! Damn it! Therefore I missed the most thrilling part of the show! :X


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