*Star Sapphire*~ Yva Yolan & Ydmzihar

Yva Yolan & Adam Zear (Ydmzihar) ~A Match Made in Heaven~

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Chinese Fortune Telling

Got the link from Gwen's blog!


My analysis is as follows:

◎Your life is represented by the sword of power, which means you will head for success after gone through many difficulties in your youth. (I seriously hope this is true... cos so far I don't have a smooth life...) You are a person of leadership and justice, quite devoted, and able to work under great pressure.(This is so not me... WRONG!) You are also very generous(not so sure about that... haha) and you like well-behaved and wise people. (yes very true!) With your leadership ability, you can break through any dissatisfying situation. ◎

Your characteristics, subconscious, and behavior modes, according to your fate and destiny, are represented by the sword(yes this is true.. my element is metal so sword represent a metal?), not only with soft-white skin, yet bright, attractive with femininity(WRONG again...). You are a bit bossy and dominating, but have leadership ability(WRONG!).

You are capable and talented, with a great sense of justice and righteousness, and willing to help others for the sake of justice. Like a sword, you are able to cut through a difficult or unsatisfactory situation and eventually change your fate and destiny. You may hurt yourself carelessly with a double-edged sword if you are too aggressive and pressuring people around you. You may be dominating with your appearance, but have a loving heart to protect the weak with a sense of justice and fairness. (Whole paragraph is not true except for the sake of justice part...)

However, a good sword needs to be molded and sharpened, so those that cannot pass the test and process only become scrap iron. (Yeah now I am scrap iron ah!! Hahaha!) Being determined and unafraid of the challenges, not blaming others, and learning and growing are the essential elements to become a respected leader. You like intelligent people with artistic talent and dislike hypocrites.(VERY true!) You admire those who are willing to sacrifice and dedicate themselves to others with a sense of justice. As long as you pass the challenge and test, your entire life will be unaffected by any storm or blocked by any obstacle to become a winner.

◎Health Analysis: Your cardiovascular function is weaker.◎

According to your destiny analysis, your cardiovascular function is weaker, which caused minor problems like pimples, mouth and tongue sores, and unsmooth periods when you were young. But over age 40, your cardiovascular function requires additional care, or you might have major problems such as high blood pressure, high hem sterone, unusual heart rhythm, eye pressure problems, gynecologic problem(same as what master luo has warn me) and other abnormal functions leading to heart diseases, stroke, or loss of vision. Therefore, it's very important for you to maintain a stable schedule in your life, avoid fatigue, and, most importantly, do not stay up overnight.(I always almost stayed up late everyday!) If possible, have a blood test and electrocardiogram periodically and pay more attention if there's any family history of hereditary palatine canal system and cardio diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure, apoplexy, cerebral hemorrhage, myocardial infarction, etc. Try to eliminate iced and cold drinks in order to avoid losing your vitality.

There's a saying that all disease starts from the mouth, which means many human diseases are related to food. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, food can be divided into gold, wood, water, fire and earth (concept of the five elements). You seem to prefer bitter flavors like black coffee and chocolate, which means your cells are filled with too much fire element.(SHIT man! Dark chocolate is a fire element? I love it so much leh!) This negatively affects your health, fortune and career, so we suggest you try different foods to balance your diet and nutrition, which leads to harmony in life and a balance of yin and yang based on the five elements. In addition, if you have recently felt unlucky or things were not going smoothly, then you are probably affected by bad spirit, which caused bad luck. The best solution is not to eat meat and fish for a period of time until the bad spirit goes away. The bad spirit tends to stay with those who eat meat and fish, and also chicken, duck, green onion, garlic, leek and other spices, so a vegetarian diet can help change your luck.

◎Health Analysis: Your liver and gall is weaker as well.◎

Your liver and gall is weaker as well, so you tend to tire easily and can't do labor-intensive jobs. You may have had irritability and acne when you were young. But over age 40, your liver and gall require additional care, or you may have problems such as cholesterol and triglyceride, abnormal liver, liver or gall deceases, or even suffer a delining immune system, which leads to failing eyesight.(I have already a failing eyesight liao la!) Therefore, it's very important for you to pay attention to your liver and gall and maintain a stable schedule for your life. Monitor your glycerin level, consume less alcohol, avoid fatigue, and most importantly, do not to stay up overnight.

According to your destiny analysis, you are a night owl as you seem to be more energetic and inspired at night, so you tend to sleep late and get up late. (DAMN they are correct!!!) However, sleeping and waking up early is extremely helpful to your fate and destiny, even though it's not easy for you. You don't easily offend others as you don't like to be the one on top.(Just now they say I can be a leader now say I don't like to be the one on top? Makes no sense... But master luo say that I don't like to be on the top...) You better stay away from alcohol if you want to change your fate and destiny, as it drains your energy quickly and negatively affects your fortune. If you are able to develop the good habit of sleeping and waking up early, it will completely change your fate and destiny with better health, more wealth and happiness coming into your life.

◎There is a background difference between you and your love partner, so it's not easy for him to really understand you. The things you care about he might think totally unimportant and vice versa, so you tend disagree easily over small things.◎

In romance, according to our analysis, men usually like you at first sight. (Where got so easy one...) If they win your heart, a romance develops quickly, but doesn't last long because it's difficult to maintain the same level of passion from beginning to end.(This is quite true!) Generally speaking, you make a good first impression because you are charming and capable, but over time your passion is replaced by arguments. You are often admired, but are not satisfied with what you have, and your romantic partner may be very sticky if you want to break up. Therefore, if you are still waiting for a good romance, try to conceal your outer beauty in order to find more sincere and suitable lovers who aren't just attracted to your looks. Then true romance will come your way.

In the journey of life, your romantic or marriage partner is not easily found by love at first sight. You need to spend time together and interact in a neutral setting before the possibility of love. The relationship might start from working together, and time spent together planning or meeting regularly. You tend to concentrate and focus on career and work, so you may marry later in life.(Just like what master luo, I am not suitable to marry early) If you are still seeking your love partner, among those around you, someone who has a deep understanding and strong ability might be the one. As long as you sincerely give a little hint, the happiness is right beside you.

◎Career Analysis: Most of your jobs, in any industry, require some leadership and management skills, teamwork.◎

Most of your jobs, in any industry, require some leadership and management skills, teamwork; your career may also involve non-profit government organizations. For example, manager, general manager, high level management, plant manager, government or legal official, auditor, investigator, soldier, police officer, non-profit organization volunteer, etc. These types of jobs might not have the same professional training required for the corporate world, but will offer personal growth and teamwork challenges. If you choose these types of jobs, then your work will go smoothly, but you may lack the professional training for an executive position in the future. You should further strengthen your professional training because you have good management skills, but might not understand technical staff well enough or have a strong foundation for important decision-making. Jobs in other fields that require creativity or working independently are not suitable for you. (wa lau cannot do creativity jobs? Go to hell la! Master luo said different things leh.. I can't manage ppl!)

◎Wealth Analysis: You know how to make and save money, so you are seldom short of cash.◎

According to your destiny analysis, you know how to make and save money, so you are seldom short of cash. You knew the importance of the money since you were very young, so you started working earlier than others. Therefore, you were making money with investments while others were spending money and enjoying their lives. In addition, you were born very clever, and will not spend money if unnecessary, but when it comes to business investment, you are not stingy because you always wanted to be your own boss. You will be investing most of your wealth to establish your business. Afterwards, you will not bequest much to your descendants, instead you will donate money to a charity or hospital because you think your descendants gain wealth by working hard on their own. (er right... I'm ALWAYS short of cash one and don't know how to save money. Maybe last time when I was young I knew how to but not now!)


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